“Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; hold not your peace at my tears!”
-Psalm 39:11 (ESV)
Oremus (latin) is translated as "Let Us Pray." It is a call to prayer.
Prayer is essential for our life in Christ.
We are dedicated to providing teaching, training, and affirmation in the essential disciplines of prayer, fasting, and walking in Christ.
Oremus (ōrēmus):
Private Prayer
David Wilkerson: Prayer In The Closet
(48:40) (Sermonindex.net)
We often neglect a crucial part of fellowship with the Lord:
prayer in a still, private place, away from distraction,
where one can truly listen to his voice...
Praying for Others
Andrew Murray: The Ministry of Intercession
(6:03:47) (Aneko Press)
If the answer to prayer is so positively promised in Scripture, why are there so many unanswered prayers today (often misinterpreted as a “no”)? Scripture teaches us that answer to prayer depends upon certain conditions...
Do you have a prayer need? Would you like to connect?
Contact us.