Hear my prayer, O Lord, and give ear to my cry; hold not your peace at my tears!

-Psalm 39:12 (ESV)

Hear God's Voice...Alone.

David Wilkerson: Prayer In The Closet
(48:40) (Source: Sermonindex.net)

We often neglect a crucial part of fellowship with the Lord: prayer in a still, private place, away from distraction, where one can truly listen to his voice.


Reuben A. Torrey: How to Pray (Audiobook)
(2:52:19) (Source: Aneko Press)

The author, Reuben Torrey, effortlessly guides even the most seasoned person of prayer into deeper, more significant prayer. Torrey explains what prayer is, what it can do, and when one should pray. He also describes the hindrances that keep believers from praying effectively, and how with the power of God believers can overcome those hindrances.


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